We want people and doctors to become partners in cancer prevention that goes beyond the basic and rises to the “best.”

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Can We Trust the Reports on Cancer Prevention? I just came back from a relaxing and enjoyable weekend in suburban Boston getting trained on yoga for breast cancer patients and survivors. The focus was on reducing the side effects of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation with gentle yoga. Our breast cancer yogini was Camille of exclusive yoga, and she did a fantastic job of not only demonstrating the movements, but also on the science behind benefits of yoga. The added bonus of this training was learning about how to read the statistics of scientific studies. Camille expertly explained that reports of the latest drugs for treating breast cancer may overly state the benefits. Could that be true for healthy eating studies focused on cancer patients? I went back to a recent study I quoted on this blog to see if it were true.

What exactly does “cancer awareness” mean? After years of being conditioned into thinking that it has to do with finding a cure for cancer, we can now say the exact opposite to be true. Based on recent statistics, 14 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed in 2012 resulting in 8.2 million cancer-related deaths (National Cancer Institute (NCI); available at: www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/what-is-cancer/statistics. Accessed February 23, 2016). Despite the millions of dollars raised during various cancer awareness months, it seems that this does not translate into cancer prevention. And with February being cancer prevention month, it's a good idea to highlight ways the public can prevent certain cancers. We all know someone who's been affected by cancer. And for those with a family history, there may be a heightened fear of getting a cancer diagnosis.  However, very few cancers are due inheritance. In fact,

Poop. It’s something we avoid talking about in normal day-to-day conversations. But when the organ that houses said substance becomes diseased, such as in the case of colon cancer, everyone wants to talk about it then. Are you pooping enough? What is the color? Smell? Prevention Strategies Colon cancer is estimated to have caused approximately 49,000 deaths in 2016. In the U.S. it’s the 3rd leading type of cancer. Can it be prevented? Yes, but you must do the following: Get screened by getting a colonoscopy, preferably starting at age 50 (talk to your HCP about the appropriate age) If you have evidence of early-disease (e.g. polyps, or pre-cancerous lesions), then talk to your HCP about getting them removed And of course, lifestyle changes It's a Little Late, But Science Now Shows Why Plant-Based Is the Way to Go Finally, there’s a scientific study

How Certain Foods Can Assist Chemotherapy We can’t talk about all the positive effects some foods have on cancer prevention without addressing the cancer patient who is actually on a standard medical treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.  Cancer patients often want to switch their diets while on standard treatments because they heard about the positive effects certain foods have on cancer prevention. Indeed, certain foods attack cancer cells in similar ways as chemo drugs. Chemotherapy and radiation kill cancer cells by destroying their DNA. As you may recall from high school biology, DNA is the “manna of life” for a cancer cell, allowing the cell to grow and produce new cells. When cancer cells are hit with a dose of chemotherapy they can certainly fight back!  They fix the damage to their DNA. If they are faster at fixing the DNA

Over 2.9 million women in the U.S. have a history of breast cancer.  Health challenges can continue for some women who have conquered their breast cancer treatment and are now living cancer free.  And there is still the risk of a breast cancer recurrence or the development of a new cancer at a different body site. However, science now shows that helpful lifestyle changes can lower the risk of a breast cancer recurrence.  The good news is that these same changes can also lower the risk of any type of new cancer developing as well. So to all the breast cancer survivors out there, here are 3 surprising facts on lowering your risk of a breast cancer recurrence… #1 – Cut The Fat Eating less fat helps lower risk of recurrence. A study in women with breast cancer who were taking your standard chemotherapy

The good news is that African-American women eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables (e.g. collard greens, cabbage and broccoli). The bad news is that we don’t eat enough total servings of fruits and vegetables every day, which has been scientifically shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer. A sampling of 59,000 African American women (known as the “Black Women’s Health Study,” aka BWH) found that on average the number of fruits and vegetables eaten every day was 1 serving or less (0.7 servings of fruit and 1 serving of vegetables). This study found some interesting trends in less risk of getting breast cancer and how this relates to the number of fruits and vegetables eaten: For postmenopausal African American women. 4 or more servings a day of fruits and vegetables lowered risk by 24% 2 or more servings a day of just vegetables

We’re all tempted by loads of sugary, salty and cheesy foods when we turn on the t.v. or simply drive down the street. Instead of giving into these foods wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep our cravings in check and willpower high?  Well here’s a simple cravings hack that will have you saying no to pizza, French Fries, burgers, and cupcakes placed in front of our eyeballs 16/7 (hey, I’m assuming you get 8 hours of sleep 7 nights a week). Eat spinach. A recent study in 30 men and 30 women who were overweight found that: Spinach kept them feeling FULL 2 HOURS after eating it. If you’re struggling with weight gain or food cravings (especially salty foods), this hack is tailor-made for you. So start stir-frying, steaming or make a green smoothie with spinach.  This FREE mini-guide has a great

We’re all tempted by sugary, salty, and cheesy foods when we watch t.v. and leave our homes. A simple hack so you stop craving pizza, French Fries, burgers, and cupcakes that are placed in front of our eyeballs 16/7 (hey, I’m assuming you get 8 hours of sleep 7 nights a week) is to eat spinach. A recent study found that: Spinach kept overweight or obese people feeling FULL 2 HOURS after eating it. If you’re struggling with weight gain or food cravings (especially salty foods), this hack is tailor-made for you. So stir-fry, steam and even get FREE spinach smoothies in this mini-guide (page 9 has a must-try green smoothie). Here's More on How Spinach Reduces Cravings: The researchers gave 30 men and 30 women either a super-concentrated spinach drink (5 grams) mixed with blueberry and pomegranate juice OR a placebo (a fake spinach drink)

Ok breast cancer patients and survivors it's time to get motivated! I'm happy to present our monthly spotlight on a breast cancer survivor and this time it's none other than Nacole Ali. She's a 20-year vet in human resources, been featured on The Wendy Williams Show, and I happen to know she's also completed a marathon post-cancer diagnosis. To say that she's a survivor is an understatement, she's a breast cancer warrior! Read more about how her diagnosis brought her face-to-face with her deepest fears and how she overcame them one step at a time by writing her book and having some fun as a globe-trotter.  You can find more about her at www.nacoleali.com. Here's to your best health! Deanine Grace, PhD Q: Hi Nacole, can you tell us a little about yourself?  A: I am a Personal Change Strategist, motivational speaker, media personality, author, and business owner. I

Hey Breast Cancer Survivors!  You can reduce your risk of breast cancer by 40% if you eat at least 3 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. And here's another tip, eating cruciferous vegetables every day reduces your risk of breast cancer recurrence by 35%. You can find out what cruciferous vegetables are and how they stop cancer growth here. Now if you want to prevent breast cancer in the first place, you can reduce your risk of a NEW breast cancer DIAGNOSIS by 30% if you eat 3+ servings of cruciferous vegetables every day. Want to learn how to eat more fruits and vegetables every day? Download this FREE worksheet (page 4 and 5) on how to eat more fruits and veggies a day. References: Thomson CA, et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2011; 125:519 Christine B. Ambrosone, et al.  Nutr. 2004; 134:1134 Here's to your best health! Dr. Dee Grace, PhD [email protected]