We want people and doctors to become partners in cancer prevention that goes beyond the basic and rises to the “best.”

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When it comes to cancer-fighting fruit we all should eat, berries are at the top of the list, with science-based evidence to back this up.  Those of us in the United States are can easily find these berries any time of the year: strawberries blueberries blackberries red raspberries cranberries However, globally, people are known to eat chokeberries, lingonberries, black currants and bilberries in addition to the above berries. These fruits are packed with natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, and E, folic acid, phenols such as flavonols (anthocyanidins) and ellagitannins, and carotenes (alpha, beta, and lutein).  While you may not be able to pronounce all these words, just know that these compounds are good for you. Berry The Amazing Superfruit We all love berries because of their taste, but our bodies need them to help maintain good form and function.

We’ve all probably smoked a cigarette, or been exposed to cigarette smoke, during our lives, therefore, lung cancer prevention is important. And if the following stats don't scare you into putting down the cigarettes I don't know what will: 80% of lung cancer in men is due to cigarette smoking 50% of lung cancer in women is due to smoking Watercress is a potent cancer-fighting vegetable in the cruciferous family.  In a previous post we discussed why cancer patients, cancer survivors, and those that want to prevent cancer should be eating cruciferous vegetables every day. Well for those tobacco smokers here is a compelling reason to eat watercress every day for lung cancer prevention: Watercress contains PEITC (phenethyl isothiocyonate) and PEITC protects the lungs from the harmful effects of environmental smoke Does Watercress Inhibit Cancer-Causing Chemicals in Cigarette Smokers? Recent studies suggest that yes, it is

The Mediterranean Diet is all the rage. I'm sure you’ve seen those eye-catching, colorful, plant-based food bowls on social media. Some may throw a small portion of lean meat on the side. Noticeably absent is bread, pasta, dessert. So this diet is heavy on plant-based foods, minimal meat, and very little white flour and white sugar. Which makes the Mediterranean Diet great for cancer prevention. The Science-based Cancer Prevention Diet There are hundreds of studies that have looked at how the Mediterranean Diet prevents a wide variety of cancers.  A recent study called a “meta-analysis” (it reviews many other studies, combines the data and analyzes it) found that the Mediterranean diet has the potential to prevent certain cancers. (Reference: L. Schwingshackl’s, et al., “Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Risk of Cancer.” Nutrients. 2017) The authors gathered data from 83 different dietary studies

How many cancer drugs can one find in nature? Well according to recent reports, approximately 60% of cancer drugs get their start from a plant, with 84 anticancer drugs isolated from Brazil’s Amazon forest [1].  The Lapacho tree, also known as the herb pau d’arco, is one of them, having been hidden to those outside of the Amazon for centuries, perhaps millennia, with historical uses in indigenous medicine for the following: Bacterial infections Cancer, several types including breast, lung and leukemias Fever Fungal infections Inflammation Malaria Stomach ailments Viral infections In recent years the ingredient that gives this tree its healing properties was discovered and coined beta- (β) lapachone, a natural quinone compound. If you’re a malaria survivor, or familiar with the disease, then you’ve heard of quinone drugs, as they're used to fight this infection. Pau D’Arco’s Anticancer Effects In lab experiments,

Poop. It’s something we avoid talking about in normal day-to-day conversations. But when the organ that houses said substance becomes diseased, such as in the case of colon cancer, everyone wants to talk about it then. Are you pooping enough? What is the color? Smell? Prevention Strategies Colon cancer is estimated to have caused approximately 49,000 deaths in 2016. In the U.S. it’s the 3rd leading type of cancer. Can it be prevented? Yes, but you must do the following: Get screened by getting a colonoscopy, preferably starting at age 50 (talk to your HCP about the appropriate age) If you have evidence of early-disease (e.g. polyps, or pre-cancerous lesions), then talk to your HCP about getting them removed And of course, lifestyle changes It's a Little Late, But Science Now Shows Why Plant-Based Is the Way to Go Finally, there’s a scientific study