We want people and doctors to become partners in cancer prevention that goes beyond the basic and rises to the “best.”

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Over 2.9 million women in the U.S. have a history of breast cancer.  Health challenges can continue for some women who have conquered their breast cancer treatment and are now living cancer free.  And there is still the risk of a breast cancer recurrence or the development of a new cancer at a different body site. However, science now shows that helpful lifestyle changes can lower the risk of a breast cancer recurrence.  The good news is that these same changes can also lower the risk of any type of new cancer developing as well. So to all the breast cancer survivors out there, here are 3 surprising facts on lowering your risk of a breast cancer recurrence… #1 – Cut The Fat Eating less fat helps lower risk of recurrence. A study in women with breast cancer who were taking your standard chemotherapy

Let’s face it, Americans love to grill and barbecue their meats. So when the World Health Organization came out with a report that summarized the findings from a group of scientists that processed meats (cold cuts, cured meat) and grilled meats are known cancer-causing agents (right up there with tobacco smoke and asbestos) well there was a huge “hooray” from the medical community but not more than a whimper from most Americans. I get it we’re all bombarded by tons of information these days, but this one you want to pay special attention to. I get it, grilled anything tastes too good for most to avoid during the summer months, but this one you should pay particular attention to, because the data is pretty compelling. So if you MUST eat grilled meats this summer at least eat THIS along with them: cruciferous