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Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Cancer

It was clear when helping grandmother that her Oncologist could have shared more info. Here are questions to ask your doctor about breast cancer and other cancers…



Your Guide on Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Cancer

Download our guide on Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Cancer here

Questions to ask your doctor



The Cancer Detox helps cancer patients & survivors get quality care from their doctor that can improve their survival outcomes. So before we dive into this topic, if you are recently diagnosed with breast cancer, please make sure you start increasing your chances of survival with some of our science-based resources:


Now let’s dive into the info…



During a recent meeting with a client who was diagnosed with breast cancer, I emphasized the importance of asking questions during every doctor’s appointment. I learned this when I started The Cancer Detox and began helping my grandmother, who was diagnosed with lung cancer, with her care.

At the time, I did not realize how much information was not being communicated by the doctor until I went to a visit with her.  As soon as I asked my first question it was clear he had a lot more to say about her disease but needed some prompting (by me) in order to say it.

While you the patient may think that asking questions might appear you are distrustful of your doctor’s expertise, the goal of asking questions is to gather as much information as possible so you can make educated decisions about your health. You are the active participant in your cancer treatment. Always ensure that your treatments and tests are going to help increase your survival outcomes and quality of life. You can do this by asking the right questions of your Oncologist.


Fear is a big reason many people don’t ask questions. If you tongue-tied when the doctor asks “do you have any questions?” it’s time to get prepared. I encourage you to ask something, anything, that will get your doctor talking and explaining in detail more about your disease or treatments. I guarantee they will share new information that you can use in your treatment process.

Here are a few unique questions to ask your doctor about cancer that I’m sure you can use:

  1. What is the likelihood of my cancer returning after I complete my treatment?
  2. Can the cancer cells migrate to other parts of my body after I’ve had surgery?
  3. Is my particular cancer considered hard to treat?

Download our guide on Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Cancer here

Questions to ask your doctor


What other questions can you ask during your next doctor’s visit? We want to hear from breast cancer patients and survivors on this one! Post them in the comments below

To Your Best Health!

Dee Grace, PhD

Hi! I am Dee Grace, PhD and I am a scientist and cancer patient advocate. Our company, The Cancer Detox, helps cancer patients improve their survival outcomes by getting better care from their doctor and adding natural healing to their lifestyle. Relief, healthcare access, and improving quality of life starts here!


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