We want people and doctors to become partners in cancer prevention that goes beyond the basic and rises to the “best.”

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My heart was overjoyed. By sticking to her cancer treatments, switching from a Western- to a plant-based diet, and practicing stress reduction techniques, my client’s breast cancer, which spread to her lungs years after a double mastectomy, stopped getting larger.

It was not easy following our 90-day Science-based Anticancer Program, but she stuck with it despite the challenges. Progress, not perfection was the motto, and it made the difference as minor changes made every day makes healthy habits stick.

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, feel overwhelmed by your cancer diagnosis and not sure of what to do next, download our ebook 7 Action Steps to Take After a Cancer Diagnosis.  It puts you back in the driver’s seat towards optimal health with science-based ways to get better healthcare and cancer-fighting foods and lifestyle tips.

Ready to be a success story like my client mentioned above? Contact us for a complimentary 20-min phone call to get cancer-fighting tips personalized for your cancer journey.

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